What is Wellbeing?

When we have good wellbeing, we feel good and we function well. We have positive relationships and some control over our life. We have feelings of happiness, contentment, curiosity and engagement and have a sense of purpose. Added together, this gives us a positive experience of life.

The best way to improve wellbeing is through understanding that:

' Wellbeing is important for me'

'There are things I can do to improve my wellbeing'

Although other people can support us to be happy and healthy, we have the best chance of being able to stay happy throughout our time in school if we learn how to take responsibilty for our own wellbeing.

At The Kingsway School, we recognise that factors in and out of school can cause significant disturbance to our wellbeing, and emotional health. We recognise that all children should have access to support to help them overcome obstacles, trauma and build resilience. A whole school approach to supporting the development of good mental health if identified by the Department for Education as a positive factor for child and adolescent mental health. A robust approach to wellbeing will be supported both through the curriculum and the Emotional Well Being Lead.

Our Vision for Emotional Wellbeing at The Kingsway School

  • Our students will be emotionally intelligent and emotionally resilient, equipped with the key skills they need to grow and thrive
  • Our students will know when and where to go for support when faced with challenges and will be able to access that support when it is needed
  • Our students will be supported to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • Our students will be given the skills and knowledge to understand and respond to the difficulties children and young people face and we will ensure that information, advice and support is readily available to them
  • Our students will be supported to improve and protect their own emotional wellbeing by being equipped to identify and respond to levels of stress and challenges

Below are some useful links to improve wellbeing, resilience and decrease stress:

Moodscope - If you are struggling with low mood, depression or mood disorders, Moodscope offers an on line personal mood management tool that effectively measures and tracks your moods.

Steps for Stress - This website covers practical ways for you to start dealing with stress.

Get self help - This website offers CBT self help information and resources including therapy worksheets, useful for home.

Be Mindful - The Mental Health Foundation wants to make mindfulness available to everyone. This website is useful for parents who want more information about mindfulness, mindfulness based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

What do we mean when we say Mental Health and/or Mental Illness?

We often talk about mental health and mental illness, but what do we mean by Mental Health and Emotional Health & Wellbeing and what can you do to look after your own mental health?

Mental Health

The question is often asked about what is meant when we talk about Mental Health. Many people immediately start thinking about mental health problems or mental illness or worried about being thought of as ‘mad’.

Everyone has ‘Mental Health’ and this can be thought of in terms of:

  • how we feel about ourselves and the people around us
  • our ability to make and keep friends and relationships
  • our ability to learn from others and to develop psychologically and emotionally.
  • Being mentally healthy is really important and also about having the strength to overcome the difficulties and challenges we can all face at different times, to have confidence and self-esteem, to be able to take decisions and to believe in ourselves.

We all have mental health, so it’s important to understand when you may need to get some help or support with how you are feeling, or to know when you may be experiencing a more serious problem.

It is quite normal to feel worried, anxious or upset when things don’t go as you hope or planned. Everyone faces pressure in their lives at certain times and these can include:

  • exams stress
  • deadlines
  • work and getting a job
  • growing up and becoming more independent from your family
  • making up (and breaking up) with friends
  • home life

Knowing when to get help, advise and support

What to look out for

If someone is experiencing worries, anxieties and difficult feelings to the extent that they are seriously interfering with their everyday life, for example:

  • being able to focus on your studies and come to school
  • being able to eat or sleep as you would normally do
  • to go out with your friends or take part in activities

If these feelings are becoming persistent, that is lasting for a few weeks or more, then it maybe that you need to get some advice, help and support.

Mental Health issues affect many more young people than you probably realise. It is understood around 1 in 10 of all young people may experience a mental health issues where they may need help from a mental health specialist such as CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service). It's important to get help early. Mental health conditions can be treated and getting help early can prevent difficulties from getting more serious