Class of 2030
We are delighted that your child has been offered a place with us at The Kingsway School in Year 7.
In order for us to begin the admission process and to keep you up to date with any upcoming events or information, please complete the admission form at your earliest convenience, using this link.
If you have any queries please contact our transition team at:
Transition to Year 7
At The Kingsway School we are very lucky to serve a community where students have had an excellent primary education. We work very closely with our local primary schools to ensure that we build on not only the high academic standards achieved but also students’ attitudes to learning.
The transition team also fully understand the anxieties that some students and their parents may have with the move from a small primary school to a large secondary school, and so provide the pastoral support, care and guidance to families throughout the process.
Our Transition Team

Miss N. Dean
Associate Senior Leader: Transition

Ms L. Dunn
Transition Lead Teacher

Mr G. Wilson
ELT School Partnership Coordinator

Ms R. Moss
School Partnership Lead
Miss N. Dean
Associate Senior Leader: Transition
Ms L. Dunn
Transition Lead Teacher
Mr G. Wilson
ELT School Partnership Coordinator
Ms R. Moss
School Partnership Lead
Primary Outreach Programme
A unique offer of ‘inreach’ and ‘outreach’ experiences that help us connect with future pupils, parents and colleagues across our community and build links that help our young people make successful transition to secondary school.
POP Information
Kickstart to Kingsway
Support continues into Year 7, with a programme of activities run across the school to help our new students find their feet before they undertake their new timetable. Then, throughout the year, your child will have daily contact with their form tutor and, where required, support from their Year Team. These key staff will be in contact with parents and carers throughout your child’s secondary school experience.