Welcome to our Resource Centre web page. The Kingsway School is one of four secondary schools in Stockport to offer additional specialist provision for students with severe and complex needs.
The Resource Centre team has extensive experience and skills which ensure that students receive the optimum balance of support whilst cultivating independence. The teachers and RSIAs at The Kingsway Resource Centre ensure that integration is meaningful and students are fully included where appropriate.
Team Effort
The Resource Centre has a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure all students receive relevant and effective support, tailored to their individual needs.
This is augmented by the school’s subject teachers across the curriculum.
Teachers and RSIAs keep up to date with all aspects of working with students with special needs. This can be related to specific conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Attachment Disorder or focus on more general skills. These include intervention strategies, behaviour management, phonics or speech and language.
Our Ethos
At The Kingsway School we are privileged to have additional, specialist provision for young people with severe and complex needs. This is our Resource Centre. The information below describes this provision and attempts to answer parents’ and young people’s frequently asked questions.
At The Kingsway School we believe that:
- All students are entitled to a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum which is adapted as appropriate to meet individual needs.
- All children can learn and make progress.
- All children are valued and included regardless of abilities, needs and behaviours.
- Effective assessment and provision for children with SEND will be secured in partnership with parent / carers, children, LA and other partners.
- Maintaining children’s safety and wellbeing is central to their development.
Students that access the resourced provision:
- Students aged 11-16 with an Education, Health and Care Plan for severe and complex learning needs
- Students working significantly below age related expectations
- Students with communication difficulties
- Students on the Autistic Spectrum
- Students with sensory difficulties
How does my child access the resourced provision?
Places are allocated by the Local Authority and are named in Section 1 of the Education, Health and Care Plan.
What Do We Offer?
Resource Centre Provision
The Kingsway School provides places per year for students with severe learning difficulties and complex needs. The students are supported by 2 teachers and Resourced School Inclusion Assistants (RSIAS) The school is not wheelchair accessible in many areas.
At Kingsway, resourced students are an integral part of the school and go to the majority of lessons with their peers whilst being supported by an RSIA or special needs teacher. They are, when applicable, taught in the Resource Centre for Maths and English lessons, Speech and language, Life Skills and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The teachers and RSIAs liaise with specific subject departments. They differentiate tasks, simplify literacy and numeracy, encourage independence and ensure inclusion for students in all aspects of school life.
All students are encouraged to take a full part in all activities both in and outside school time. Many enjoy attending and participating in school concerts, activity weekends, theatre visits and all take part in the wide variety of educational trips that take place in school time.
Students who benefit most from a place at The Kingsway Resource Centre
- Individuals who can, with additional time, move freely between lessons.
- Individuals who can function within the school’s reward and sanction guidelines.
- Individuals who have a level of social skills that enable them to participate in day to day school activities.
(We currently have students with a variety of complex needs. Their levels range from P5 to national curriculum level 3)
- Some KS4 students continue to be taught Science in the mainstream classroom. Where appropriate, depending on the ability and strengths of different students, they can access mainstream options. We try to give KS4 students a choice in at least some of their KS4 education.
- In KS4 students follow a Life-skills programme aimed at starting to equip them for college life and adulthood. This covers a wide range of areas from basic kitchen skills, cooking, personal safety, personal hygiene and social communication. Students also undertake the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award which often involves some work experience.
- In addition, there is also the opportunity to undertake the ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (COPE).
The Resource Centre
The Resource Centre is an open plan teaching area with additional teaching rooms, a kitchen and a garden. There is also a disabled toilet and shower. The Resource Centre is a teaching space for students with a variety of special educational needs. It is not the exclusive use of the resourced students. This means that the resourced students are integrated with students from all areas of the school. It is a busy and vibrant part of the school. Students can play games, use the computers and socialise at break times.
Specialist Services
The Kingsway School has close contact with outside support agencies such as the ASD partnership, physio and other services linked with our students.
All resourced students have a daily communication book. This is invaluable for sharing information. All resourced students have annual reviews in addition to mainstream Parents’ Evening, where students’ developing needs and support are discussed.
Resourced students’ progress is reviewed 3 times a year in line with the Kingsway whole school policy.
We like to offer a broad curriculum with opportunities to access the varied subjects across school and more tailored English and Maths to meet need.
Life skills and interventions are valuable lessons to help prepare for next stages and adulthood. In KS4 as well as options we also cater for non-examination areas such as ASDAN awards and Duke of Edinburgh. Maths, English and Science are working towards achieving Entry levels.