Home Learning


All Students Are Encouraged to Learn Independently
The student homepage gives students and families access to the subject home pages. Most subjects have tasks online or links to external sites that enable students to do their own research and practise their skills.

There is also a link to Sparx Maths which mean that homework can always be done every evening. In addition, there are sites such as BBC Bitesize which provide useful work, skills practice and information.

Subject staff will always give students guidance on independent learning for their subject. This type of work is highly recommended in KS3, and essential for all students studying GCSEs.

Students’ Responsibilities:

  • To record all homework set in their planner (this information will also be available on Class Charts);
  • To complete all homework set to a good standard and to submit it on time;
  • To seek clarification/help (if needed) before the deadline.

Teachers’ Responsibilities:

  • To set homework regularly;
  • To post all homework set on Class Charts;
  • To ensure deadlines are clear to all students;
  • To adapt homework where necessary;
  • To ensure that homework is checked

Parents’ Responsibilities:

  • To take an active role to ensure all homework is completed as set;
  • To provide a suitable environment for completion of all homework;
  • To monitor homework and sign student planners weekly.

Below is an overview of what departments will set for homework at KS3.

Sparx Reader - 300 points (roughly 30 minutes) a week.

Flipped Learning Tasks (3 per half term) to enable students to begin acquiring knowledge and concepts on future topics in the subject. Students are expected to spend 30 minutes on each task.

A one-hour Sparx task is set each week. Students must aim to complete the task and achieve 100% or have spent a minimum of one hour completing the work. Students will also be set revision tasks to complete from time to time. Students are also encouraged to complete the two optional tasks (Target and XP Boost) to extend their learning.

30 mins every fortnight - this would increase in the build up to assessments.

Art & Design
Two project-based tasks per half term (1-2 hours each)

Computer Science
30 min per week

Design & Technology
For every rotation one piece of homework is issued and we rotate twice in one academic year.
The time allocated to complete the homework is 1 hour. 

Extended tasks set (1-2 hours), 2 per half term

Medium tasks set once a fortnight. Occasionally it will be a bigger task for longer - such as a practical task, e.g. making castle models.

One Pearson Active Learn task set every three lessons.

Performing Arts - Dance & Drama
Homework set as appropriate

Performing Arts - Music
Project based tasks on the half termly topic

Homework set as appropriate

One piece of homework per module. The main focus of homework is preparation for assessments

Please note:

  • Subjects do vary their pattern from time to time depending on the type of work being done in the lesson. Please use the pattern above as a guide only.


Subject Amount of homework per fortnight – in minutes

This is a guide to the amount of homework that should be set over a two-week period for each subject. Support and guidance on homework completion for student are available online through department sites.


Key Stage 3







Art & Design

as appropriate

Computer Science


Design & Technology

as appropriate







Performing Arts - Dance

as appropriate

Performing Arts - Drama

as appropriate

Performing Arts - Music

as appropriate


as appropriate


as appropriate

Key Stage 4

All GCSE subjects will require homework to be done as an essential part of your learning for controlled assessments and examinations. Most students will need to do 5 or more hours per week of study at home to fulfil their potential academically. At key times of year (e.g. examinations) you will need to allow more time than this.

Students and families should seek the advice of their Head of Year if you feel too much, or too little homework is being done. Subject teachers will also assist with homework difficulties.

Subject Amount of homework – in minutes

This is a guide to the amount of homework that should be set for each subject. Support and guidance on homework completion for student are available online through department sites.


Key Stage 4


90 per fortnight including revision activities


A one-hour Sparx task is set each week.
Students must aim to complete the task and achieve 100% or have spent a minimum of one hour completing the work.
Students will also be set revision tasks to complete from time to time. Students are also encouraged to complete the two optional tasks (Target and XP Boost) to extend their learning.


30 mins every fortnight - this would increase in the build up to assessments.

Art & Design

as appropriate

Computer Science

60 per week

Design & Technology

30 per week


30 per week


30 per week




30-45 per week


30-45 per week

Performing Arts - Dance

Homework is set when linked to coursework and research etc. 

Performing Arts - Drama

Homework is set when linked to coursework and research etc. 

Performing Arts - Music

30 per fortnight

Business Studies

30-45 minutes per week. 1 knowledge recall task; 1 research/comprehension task


60 per fortnight including revision activities,

Sports Studies

60 per fortnight including coursework and revision activities.


30 per fortnight.
Homework will take the form of practice GCSE questions and preparation for end of unit assessments / pre-public examinations.